viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

What Is My Favorite Music?

" The used" 
 Actually this is one of the questions I hate the most, people always ask “What kind of music do you like?” To answer that I would have to like just one or two kinds of music, second, I would have to know about the different types of music styles, and I don´t, I know that there is Metal, and Pop, and Rock, but I can´t really tell one from the other, especially when we consider that nowadays there are a lot more styles than that alternative pop, alternative rock, pop rock alternative, alternative everything, It´s not that I don´t care but…I not a musician, I just enjoy listening to music, just listening to it, I respect people that know everything about the music that they listen to, but I don´t so…I really can´t give an easy answer, I prefer to tell them about the singers or bands that I like, making clear that I’m actually open to listen new things.
"Fall Out Boy"

 My favorite music band is called “The Used” I love them because I feel related to almost all their songs, because they are crazy and I love that. This year I was at a The used´s concert, it was amazing, I cried and jumped and screamed and danced.  I also like bands like Fall Out Boy, I used to like them back when I was a teenager and now they bring back good memories, also they cheer me up in the mornings or when I´m having a bad day. 

"Billy Talent" 

Lastly there is Billy Talent, I can´t explain why but I love them. 
I listen to a lot of different bands and singers, they go from classic to pop, hardcore and rock and sometimes a little bit of metal, but it would take me too long to write them all, so I´ll just mention those three groups because they are the ones that I´ve been listening to more often recently.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

A country that I would like to visit: Canada

If I had the opportunity to choose any country to visit in my next vacations it would be Canada. Why? Well, to be honest it has something to do with the stereotype that people normally have about this country, like a “ nicer version of the US”, it may be just that, a mere stereotype, but I know  a few people that have been there and they always say that Canadian people are, in fact, really polite and happy people. It´s also truth that it´s a developed and wealthy country, I have even considered living there when I graduate (first I have to get a job there, sadly)           

 I think it must be a really beautiful country, ever since I was a child I´ve wanted to go visit the Yellowstone Park (that may have something to do with how much I loved Yogi Bear) or the Niagara Falls, I would love to have a trailer and take a month or two to know all the beautiful places in Canada.