viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

My Future Job

 These last months I´ve been giving a lot of thought to this matter, mostly because this semester I started choosing the subjects that I take in college, so I have to pick them thinking about what do I wanna do in the future.
 My dream job would be being the Human Resources manager in a company in the US, but being more realistic I would settle with a decent job in the Occupation Psychology. I imagine myself wearing a suit sitting in an office, and working in all the areas of the company to help solve problems in different ways, I imagine myself making studies and thinking of changes to make the company better in different ways, I imagine myself traveling because of work to different parts of the world.

I´m studying psychology because I just didn´t know what else could I study, I just picked something that I didn´t hate so much, to be honest, and so far I haven´t regretted my decision. Just this semester I started taking Occupational and Organizational Psychology subjects, in my last year of college I´ll be able to get a Organizational Psychology degree, after that I hope I can win a scholarship to study a Masters in other country, because I know that as a Psychologist I´m at disadvantage in this area, normally this jobs are taken by business mayors, so I need more than just my title degree.

Some people hate office jobs, but I think I would enjoy it, besides normally when you have an office job you don´t take your job home, if I worked as a therapist I know I would spent hours and hours of my life thinking about my patients, it must be really hard to just forget about them after you get out of the office and continue with your life, I would hate to see my whole life revolving around my work, I would like to have a job that I like, but at the same time I need to come home and do other things, I´d like to travel because of work, but I also want to have time to travel just because I want to.

4 comentarios:

  1. Nice job! (: Good luck in your studies!!

  2. Business gurl! :B We don't want to have job home! We should do a protest :3
    See you <3

  3. I really like the idea of working an office but a little of working outdoors is not bad

  4. I know a organizational psychologist that by issues of work, has been fortunate of travel for all the world. I imagine your future very similar the this man.
