lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

My Favorite Movie

 All these topics are too...desicive for me "your favorite this, your best that", I'm not the kind of person that likes to pick a best friend of a favorite movie, I actually think that that's something that have people in need of belonging somewhere, but, ok, I guess I can make myself choose, even though I don't like it.

 I'll choose "Shawn of the dead" some people say that it's a horror movie but I actually consider it a Comedy, it's about zombies, but it's not scary at all. It's a Simon Pegg movie, one of my favorite comedy actors and it's part of a trilogy the "Cornetto Trilogy" actually, the only thing that these three movies have in common is the fact that a Cornetto icecream appears in all of them, also in one scene the protagonist tries to jump over a row of garden fences in all tree of them (he only succeds in one of them) The three of them are pretty famous, but I love Shawn of The Dead the most, it's the funnier one, in my opinion.

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